Dinner for Turrell

For one of the assignments at the studio Thinking Hands for Design Academy Eindhoven. I was asked to design a dinner for an artist that I admire. I choose to create for James Turrell, diving deeper into his work and approach.

As Turrell being an artist of with light I wanted to do something with the idea of light. I interpreted light as me, my own light. The light that I reflect as a human being, showing who I am and what I do. While simultaneously discovering who I am myself.

The table is composed of pieces I made through out the semester. Exploring and sculpting with different materials, trying out new and playful approaches to working with metal, wood and ceramics looking for more expression and personality in the pieces.

The main piece I made for this assignment is the platter. It is composed of individual pieces that fit into each other and create a surface like sand dunes. It is inspired by drawings I make when I am meditating or drawing. Cooking has always been a big part of me and my family. On each part of the platter there is a dish served from multiple cultures that is cooked at home.

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