Awesome, Thanks!

An exhibition with students of the Design Academy Eindhoven that were making use of the studio spaces at the Humperdincklaan during the Corona lockdown, showing who we are and what we’re doing. In collaboration with pizza from our self build oven, given the visitors of a taste of what brought us together.

“Do you…..?” “Yes for sure” “Awesome, thanks!”

In the period of corona January (2020) when the 2nd lockdown took place in the Netherlands a bunch of design students and other creatives were able to rent studio spaces at the Humperdincklaan. An old elementary-school that is now an anti-squad.

The Humperdincklaan grew into a gathering place where students work and help each other while the schools were closed. We were able to escape from or little homes to work in a building filled with other creative minds. Throughout this period of the second lock down this community grew bigger and more beautiful.

We are openend our door to show what we are doing here. These projects tells something of who we are and what fascinates us as designers. We as community at the Humperdincklaan are really greatfull for the possibilities this place gives us. We were able to escape from or little homes to work in a building filled with other creative minds.

Within Eindhoven and all the creative communities, the Studios at the Humperdincklaan is a new place and not so many people know what is happening behind the gates. We want to open our doors for two days in the last weekend of the Dutch Design Week and do a collective exposition were we can show who we are to the people of Eindhoven and what we are doing in this building. One of the things that really connected us was the food, lunchbreaks, dinners, and little parties that we shared.

We want to say awesome, thanks! For all the people that are part of this community and the things we are able to do together.

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